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Welcome to a place where the treasures you find can be shared and enjoyed by a world of Sisters.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

What is your Bestest Vintage Treasures

My bestest Vintage Treasures

We all have some Vintage favourites that we have either searched out, stumbled across or been given : }

Here goes for my favourites, firstly my best ever ebay purchase and would you believe my first ebay purchase was this Early Kooka. I won it for $80.00, unfortunately this was the start of my ebay career - hehehheheheee

My most treasured Antique Shop find was this gorgeous Buffet that was located in a shop in Windsor.  Not exactly sure what its made out of, but its rustic and I think it fits my decor nicely.

My best and favouritest garage sale buy was a Wooden Ironing Board at $20.00.  I had gone to visit a most beautiful girlfriend and she whooped me across the road to a garage sale that she had already been to.  It wasn't the only thing I had brought from that garage sale : }

I would have to say that this Wooden High Chair would have to be the most treasured item that I have been given.  It has served all my nieces and nephews throughout the years and finally been put into retirement. : }  Or then again it could be re-commissioned for grandchildren.

I cant decide on what is my bestest Vintage Op Shop buy, I think cause I've had too many of them.  Although I am very partial to my vintage board games and most of those have come from op shops!!!  MMMMMMM such a dilema!!!  I'll keep you posted if I choose one : }

Be a  Vintage Chick  today and enjoy!


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