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Monday 16 May 2011

Vintage Womens Weekly Magazines

Soooooo I might have let the boys sleep in on Sunday on purpose, cause I did have a plan for the day. I really wanted to go to Blacktown and have a look at the Markets that are held at the Drive In Cinema. Then the plan would take me just a little further down the road to have a look at Sarah's new work place at the DFO at Homebush.  

Well we found the markets easy and so did about a thousand plus other people - DOH! We did get a park straight away - AWESOME! Then it was fun to battle the people all the way round this gigantic car boot Trash and Treasure Market.

For all our wanderings there was soooo much to see that it was all to hard to take in and decide on what to buy.  Cause of course we was working within our play budget : }

Then on the last turn, the home stretch to the carpark I found them: 

What intrigued me so much other than the price of $2 each for these gorgeous gems from Dec 1970,  Mar 1971 and May 1971 was that they belonged to the mother of the Woman selling them.  Inside several of them were cutout pieces of paper that this lady didnt realise were in them. Obviously her mum had cut articles out from other magazines and newspapers such as recipes, bits and lotto results and had tucked them inside the magazines for safe keeping.  Was sooo cute.  I checked each one before leaving and made sure all bits were left with her : }

One of the magazines has a gorgeous liftout inside on paper dolls, I sooo love paper dolls.  There are so many pages of funky 70"s clothes to dress them in.... How cool!

But for the funniest article in this magazine I just cant go past letting you see what made me laugh:

Okay so you could stroke your face all day and work the wrinkles away or I personally think you could better spend your time treasure hunting and the joy will show on your face instead.


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