Welcome to the world of the Vintage Dime Sister!

Welcome to a place where the treasures you find can be shared and enjoyed by a world of Sisters.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Vintage Recipe Book

Campbells Soup CookBook

How ladies could you go past such a find???  $2 from the Orange Poo Book Shop!  Yes all you need is any can of Campbells soup and you can whip up a meal from soup through to desert.  Would anyone like to come for dinner : ]

Pockets in my house

I'm not sure you could say that a house has pockets but in my case I figure I'm always looking for  a new treasure to put in a particular area.  The word Pocket means - any pouchlike receptacle, compartment, hollow, or cavity.  So clearly this must mean that my house has pockets          : } 

In saying so I wanted to share some favourite pockets of my house!!

I brought this sewing machine from an Antique shop in Windsor about 8 years ago.  It cost me $30 and when I questioned the shop owner why it was so cheap he responded "Its not a Singer". 

I love old suitcases, I don't think I've ever counted how many I have but they sure are great for storage : ]

I love my books and I love my Willow Tree Collection.

I dont think that I really need to fill any of these areas with more stuff, but ofcourse you never know when a treasure may appear that will fit perfectly in that pocket : }

Happy Vintage Shopping xx

Friday 15 April 2011

99 Cent Rustic Birdcage

This bird cage did not look like this when I picked it up in Leicchardt.  Actually it was really scary!!!  After an hour of cutting off rusty wire and removing the base and top - tadaaaaaa I have a beautiful outdoor candle holder - display - thingy - bird cage : ]

I think I need one of those really big fat round candles : ]

All in a Vintage Sisters Days Work!!!

Tuesday 12 April 2011

What is your Bestest Vintage Treasures

My bestest Vintage Treasures

We all have some Vintage favourites that we have either searched out, stumbled across or been given : }

Here goes for my favourites, firstly my best ever ebay purchase and would you believe my first ebay purchase was this Early Kooka. I won it for $80.00, unfortunately this was the start of my ebay career - hehehheheheee

My most treasured Antique Shop find was this gorgeous Buffet that was located in a shop in Windsor.  Not exactly sure what its made out of, but its rustic and I think it fits my decor nicely.

My best and favouritest garage sale buy was a Wooden Ironing Board at $20.00.  I had gone to visit a most beautiful girlfriend and she whooped me across the road to a garage sale that she had already been to.  It wasn't the only thing I had brought from that garage sale : }

I would have to say that this Wooden High Chair would have to be the most treasured item that I have been given.  It has served all my nieces and nephews throughout the years and finally been put into retirement. : }  Or then again it could be re-commissioned for grandchildren.

I cant decide on what is my bestest Vintage Op Shop buy, I think cause I've had too many of them.  Although I am very partial to my vintage board games and most of those have come from op shops!!!  MMMMMMM such a dilema!!!  I'll keep you posted if I choose one : }

Be a  Vintage Chick  today and enjoy!


Cushions Complete for My Vintage Cane Day Bed

My Vintage Cane Day Bed

An afternoon well spent making cushions for my Vintage Cane Day Bed. However I now have polyester beans from one end of my shed to the other but my cushions are complete.

These were the Denim shorts and skirts that I had got from the Op shop yesterday for a buck seventy!  I found some vintage green material in the cupboard and tossed it in too.  The largest cushions at the back are long denim skirts and the funky frilled one at the front was a smaller denim skirt. 

Add a throw rug and the picture is complete for a snuggle in the late afternoon sun : }


Monday 11 April 2011

Guess what time it is?

My new Original Guess Watch

Yesterday I had a very dear friend drop by for afternoon tea, and as the true blessing she is she gave me a New Guess watch. 

Its sooo delicate and beautiful!!!

It reminds me that time spent with others is also very delicate and beautiful and that we shouldn't take it for granted.

Looking forward to wearing it on my vintage shopping play dates : }


Vintage Tan Leather Bag straight from the 80"s

Okay so I took my boys Op Shopping only cause they were begging me            
     : }

We ventured near and far and each of us had a $5 dollar limit.  Well as a Vintage Dime Sister my goal was to get as much for my money as possible.

First stop I spent $1.70 and got 5 denim skirts/shorts, a pink tshirt and a brand new pair of Khaki Pants with the tags and extra buttons on - in my size (yippeee)  Now the denim skirts/shorts are to make the cushions for my cane day bed, the tshirt was cute and of course the khaki pants, well I'll make them look good.

Then next stop I spent $3 (Yep that was a big purchase)  But how could one resist this Vintage Tan Leather Bag straight outta the 80's.  Its brand new, never been used and made out of genuine Leather - Buffalo.

Yep I got me a Buffalo Bag!!! Sooo cant wait to wear this baby on my hip in Winter!!!!  Everytime I think of the word Buffalo, I cant help but sing this song - check it out on youtube:


I got a Buffalo have you got a Buffalo tooo : }

Our last stop had me purchase an item at 20 cents over my limit.  I brought a 1974 Weight Watchers Recipe Card Box with all the cards in mint condition.  Now what do I want with this you might ask, well all I can say is checkout the prices for these babies on Ebay.  Then you will know why my 50 cent purchase was worthy of spending 20 cents over my limit : ]

Now my boys also made good use of their $5 and are eager to go again - Next Week Boys!!!  Gotta make cushions : }

A Vintage Shopping Day well spent!!


Sunday 10 April 2011

Whats on the side of the Road is FREEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

My Free Vintage Day Bed

I had driven past this gorgeous Vintage Cane Piece for about two weeks.  It had sat on the side of the road just round the corner. And every time I drove by I would declare "thats my chair".  Declaring was good but I really needed to stop and check it out and then figure out how to walk it the 300 metres up the road to my house.  

Thats where a good husband comes in handy - You smile and say just how much you need it and then they bring their healthy biceps and carry it over their head all the way home.

Now the task is to adorn it with some beautiful cushions.  My gorgeous sis has said to visit the opshop for old Jeans and make them into cushions.  The denim in jeans will make the cushions last longer considering its an outside item.

Darn have to go to the Op shop!!!!!  : }  Yipppppeeeeeee!!!!

Stay tuned for the Cushion Makeover!!!

A Vintage Dime Sister is now on the Hunt : }


What can 25 cents Buy??

What a Purchase!!!!

I won this gorgeous piece on Ebay - Yes for 25cents.  I felt bad to take it of its owner for such a low price, but this is business in the market place of life.

What I soon discovered was that it wasn't about winning this gorgeous piece of History but rather being at a certain place at a certain time.

I took a dear friend with me to enjoy the adventure across town to collect my treasure.  The journey took us up a mountain past an amazing lookout before we reached our destination.  Because my dear friend delights in taking photos of her journeys, we agreed to stop at the lookout on the way back down the mountain. 

So we picked up our treasure with absolute delight, handed over our 25 cents and a little extra : } Then we started back to the lookout.

When we pulled up at the lookout a man had just got out of his vehicle beside us and as soon as he walked past me I felt an odd feeling. Something wasn't right!  Down further on the lookout fence was a young couple just hanging out, and this man seemed to be taking considerable notice of the younger couple.  

My girlfriend and I wandered down to the fenced area to take note of the view and of course take a photo, and the man had made the same move however he just stood there.  He wasn't looking at anything as such and seemed agitated in his body language.   His focus was the young couple.  It was gently raining and around 5pm so it was starting to get dark but my friend and I decided that we weren't going anywhere even if the rain was upsetting our lovely hair styles.  The longer we stayed the more agitated the man seemed.  

Another gentleman came down to the fence had a squiz and wandered off again.  We had been there almost 10 minutes and decided that we needed to move closer to the young couple and maybe just strike up conversation.

So we made noise that maybe we best check the view from over the other side of the lookout and wandered between the man and the couple so that we were closer to them.  The mans body language showed he wasn't impressed.  We started to talk with the young couple and the man moved away.  We whispered to them that something about this guy was not right, and surprisingly they had noticed as well. 

They were a beautiful and respectful pair of kids, maybe 20 years old if that. We advised them after general chit chat that maybe they should head off, and they fully agreed. The man headed for his car but was ever watchful of us talking.

The young couple headed off and we decided to do the same.  Now I don't know what this mans deal was, but when you get a gut feeling and we all had it, why not err on the side of caution.

I tell my story that it wasn't about a bargain purchase to some degree, more so that God sends us in directions for his use and to his Glory - sometimes its all about whether we are listening and prepared to act!!!!  But with our amazing God there often is blessing in it : ]

My beautiful new acquired piece so I have discovered on http://www.singerco.com/support/serial_numbers.html    was made in 1935 and came from Scotland. Now it just needs a good coat of Bees wax and me to find somewhere in my home to put it.

And that was an adventurous afternoon for a Vintage Dime Sister!


Saturday 9 April 2011

Who are the Vintage Dime Sisters?

A Vintage Dime Sister knows a bargain when she sees one! She is dedicated to sharing the excitement of her new treasure find with her dearest and nearest.

She is a source of inspiration to the sisterhood as whole. She has a confident demeanor and a determined spirit and she will always share her knowledge of a current or upcoming sale.

A Vintage Dime Sister is a true treasure find herself and therefore knows treasure when she sees it! She is truly loved and valued by all who know her.

Shop sweet Vintage Dime Sister and tell the world about it! (or us)
