Welcome to the world of the Vintage Dime Sister!

Welcome to a place where the treasures you find can be shared and enjoyed by a world of Sisters.

Monday 30 May 2011

A few of my favourite Vintage things

Vintage Scale

I have a collection of Vintage Kitchen Scales, tucked in all sorts of places : }  This one is filled with old wooden handled kitchen utensils.
Old Chess Board
I brought this Rocking Horse on Ebay for $50 bucks. Its sooooo cute, it currently does'nt have a home anywhere in particular.
Vintage Rocking Horse

Vintage Cash Register
My Vintage Cash Register is a focal piece in my kitchen. It doesnt work the keys are jammed but I still love it.
My favourite Dolly
What more can I say?

Monday 16 May 2011

Vintage Womens Weekly Magazines

Soooooo I might have let the boys sleep in on Sunday on purpose, cause I did have a plan for the day. I really wanted to go to Blacktown and have a look at the Markets that are held at the Drive In Cinema. Then the plan would take me just a little further down the road to have a look at Sarah's new work place at the DFO at Homebush.  

Well we found the markets easy and so did about a thousand plus other people - DOH! We did get a park straight away - AWESOME! Then it was fun to battle the people all the way round this gigantic car boot Trash and Treasure Market.

For all our wanderings there was soooo much to see that it was all to hard to take in and decide on what to buy.  Cause of course we was working within our play budget : }

Then on the last turn, the home stretch to the carpark I found them: 

What intrigued me so much other than the price of $2 each for these gorgeous gems from Dec 1970,  Mar 1971 and May 1971 was that they belonged to the mother of the Woman selling them.  Inside several of them were cutout pieces of paper that this lady didnt realise were in them. Obviously her mum had cut articles out from other magazines and newspapers such as recipes, bits and lotto results and had tucked them inside the magazines for safe keeping.  Was sooo cute.  I checked each one before leaving and made sure all bits were left with her : }

One of the magazines has a gorgeous liftout inside on paper dolls, I sooo love paper dolls.  There are so many pages of funky 70"s clothes to dress them in.... How cool!

But for the funniest article in this magazine I just cant go past letting you see what made me laugh:

Okay so you could stroke your face all day and work the wrinkles away or I personally think you could better spend your time treasure hunting and the joy will show on your face instead.


Friday 13 May 2011

Vintage Clothes Shoppin'

Twas on a recent treasure hunt that I found this gorgeous Jacket. I wasn't really looking for clothes as such when taddaaaaaaa there it was. Its kinda Lady-ish dont ya think?? Or maybe its just the diamon-dy broach button thingy attached to it.

I headed for the checkout with my pretty little treasure and the lady said $2.50 WHAT!!!!! Yep $2.50 wow..........

Its actually not a Vintage Clothing Item but Im smitten with it and am waiting patiently to wear it somewhere Lady-ish  : }  Not quite sure yet where that could be but I'll let you know.  I think Im stalling my wearing cause it really needs some pretty High Heels to go with it!!! Those I haven't found yet.................

Sometimes you never know what you find when your not looking : }


Vintage Australian Women's Weekly Recipe Card Box

Vintage Australian Women's Weekly Recipe Card Box

I found this Vintage Women's Weekly Recipe Box in an Op Shop for $2, absolute bargain I thought to myself even though I cant cook : }

These card boxes came onto the world stage in the 70/80's and were supposed to make our cooking life a whole lot easier, check out this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgIsz2rwNzM 
So after a little while of pondering these recipes I thought I would put my hand to Swiss Milk Toffee. How hard could it be? There are only 4 ingredients and you need only put them in the pot one by one and stir like mad - easy!!!

Now Im giving you a view of the Recipe Card so you can see what they was supposed to look like! All big and fluffy.... 

Mine are just a tad bit smaller and a whole lot chewier!!!!!!!!  I have noticed the kids aren't complaining and are in and out of the fridge often.  I figure my mistake was in the reduced size of the can of Condensed Milk.  I am assuming that the can has shrunk by 45g over time.  Thats my excuse anyway!!!

Okay I must admit I have mastered the Easy-Mix Butter Cake Card and its a hit!! Ladies if you can find yourself one of these boxes in your treasure hunts or on a visit to your mums house - get a hold and have a play!!! They are actually quite easy recipes especially for us non-cooks hhahhahhhaaa

Happy cooking Vintage girl xxxx

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Vintage Shoppers

Well today I had $7 in my pocket and a hot water bottle under my wing  to go and find my latest treasure.  So I scoured Op Shop number one, up and down I went and then ran into a beautiful lady with her gorgeous little girl and we stopped for a chat.  We were all in the toy section together : }  Thats my favouritest spot The Toys!!!  

Anyway this shop did not put forward any kinda treasure I was looking for.  So onto the next and whilst wandering the isles, I met David.  He is a lovely older man (68) and in the last two years has just come through a Hip replacement, Prostate Cancer and currently a bad Heart. His desire is to work still, he was once an engineer and he misses that environment but is happy to be working volunteer because of the people he gets to meet.

Onto the third Op Shop and what an absolute treat to see the cutest little old lady wander in from the nursing home down the road.  She comes down for a cup of tea at the shop and just sits amongst the vintage bits to enjoy. What a beautiful picture huh!!

Okay so Shop 1, 2 & 3 did not turn up a treasure so out of desperation I headed for shop 4.  Here I ran into the same lady from shop two again. This time we discussed further our love affair with the Op shops and where the best ones are.  So after little convincing Im planning a trip down the coast to Wollongong to do the rounds. 

What a day spent wandering and meeting some very special people : } With all this said however I still have $5 in my pocket!!  What did I buy with the other $2 I hear you ask?  Well I didn't, Blue Barry Bear took off with it to the model shop next door to buy paint!! So I have no treasure to show physically but I do  
have the treasure of knowing that I got to be apart of somebody else's day and treasure hunt!!!!

Look out for the Vintage Shoppers on your next expedition, you just never know who you will meet : }


Friday 6 May 2011

My Favourite Magazine

Ohhhhhhhh how could a girl not get excited by the latest Home Tour edition of the Country Sampler Magazine............

So far I have studied each picture as best I can and now its time to start at the beginning again.  Then maybe Ill read the words after that : }

I must be really weird cause I love to look at each room of these peoples houses and then pick out one thing that excites me and decide how can I incorporate that look in my house!!!!!!!  So far its the wall of clocks - that is winning my creative imagination decoration bug thingy!!!

Girls if you need inspiration ...........  buy a House and Garden Magazine, get yourself a cuppa and sit back and dream!

Go Vintage Girlfriend :  - }

Vintage Board Games

Ohhhh what a treasure hunt I had today.  I sooooo love hanging out with my fred and scouring the op shops, he is becoming a much more patient vintage shopper.  Probably because he has seen the benefits not only to his wallet but he has found his own treasures : }  Gotta love it!!!!!!  

Anyway todays hunt unveiled another Vintage Board Game. This one is called Pow and made by Waddingtons 1977.  Ive got to say that it is not the most interesting game of Cowboys Ive seen but its Vintage and cute.

My New Vintage Board Game

So this joins the ranks of my many others of which I have promised to my son. Ive told him that they will be his inheritance and he can sell them all on ebay when Im gone. Bahhahahhhahhaaa

Some of my Collection!!

I definately need a place to display them all, they're currently hiding out in my spare room!  I must share with you one of the Board Games I purchased a few weeks ago. It amuses me greatly............

My Barbie Board Game

Now this game is toooo cute the box reads "Barbie meets Ken in the game of their dreams". My daughter (whom is way to old to play this) wanted to play but I had to inform her that Ken is missing from the box.  Yep thats right there is 6 pretty little Barbie's but no Ken to be seen.  Obviously living in a cardboard box with six women must have done his head in and he took off.

Til next time my Vintage Sisters - Have fun treasure hunting!!